Tint Laws in California

* Car window tint is measured through visible light transmission, VLT, these levels are expressed in percentages. The higher the percentage the lighter the tint shade will appear, therefore the lower the percentage the darker the tint shade will appear. In the state of California, the percentage of light allowed through the film and glass of your vehicle is very specific, including in how reflective the film can be.

Tint darkness for sedans and SUVs

  • Driver/Passenger windows must allow more than 88% of light in or if combined with factory tint a minimum of 70% VLT.
  • Rear side windows can be any shade of darkness.
  • Rear windshield can be any shade of darkness.
  • Windshield strips are allowed to be 4 inches in width across the entire windshield and be of non-reflective film.

Window Tint Reflection for sedans and SUVs

  • Window(s) cannot be more reflective than a standard window.